There we have it folks... day one complete. It was wonderful and difficult at the same time, just as one would expect. It was so good to get to see children today. I just love smiling at them, tickling them, and talking with them about God's love! We did lots of things today, many of which we will do most days this week including: a Bible story about the Good Shepherd (good job Jennifer!), volleyball, kickball, painting nails, a carnival for the youngs ones and a scavenger hunt for the older ones where they traveled "the world" to find truths about God and His love for them. We ended the day with an obstacle course and a testimony about how God took one broken life and restored it to joy and hope (way to go Christian!) Since it was our first day we had several kinks to work through; but as I was so appropriately reiminded, God not only works when things go right, He also(and sometimes more so) works when things are not as smooth as we planned (Thanks Joel!!!).
Over all it was just fantastic to see the kids smile and laugh and enjoy life. I'm not sure what their lives look like without people there visiting, but I know I love the look in their eyes while we ARE there. :] Today my special story is with a little girl named Vica. When I first met her I asked her what her name was and she didn't answer. I offered to help with a craft and if I remember correctly (and that's not necessiarly a guarantee after waking up around 330am and seeing some part of every hour until breakfast!) she didn't let me help her. But later we were painting nails and I motioned to her as if to ask if she wanted her nails done and she agreed. So with no more words that "What is your name? and My name is..." in Russian we sat there together. When I was done she got up and left to go play.
After their lunch, we gathered with the kids again and to my suprise she walked right up to me, wrapped her arms around my waist and just hung on. Oh my heart... It was the sweetest thing!! I looked around and told the team not to check my luggage when we left!!!!!
After our lunch, we returned for the rest of the days activities and I was suprised to receive another hug and another... It is amazing to me how the love of Jesus can cross any barrier--even ones that seem so necessary to communication. I love this!
After a long day in the sun telling the kids as much about God as we can, we always get to the part where we have to leave. We start hugging and waving and sometimes holding it togeher. I was snuck up upon by a young man who said my name (Hey!!) and also gave me a hug. Melted heart again... I knew before I left I needed to find Vica so I looked around and I see here looking left and right and our eyes met--she came straight for me. We hugged one last time and I kissed her on her forehead, said good bye in Russian and got on the bus.
Although I don't know why, I was suprised that I had to hold it together on day one. But let me say, I might have just brought her home with me if I could've... <3
Our Bible verse for this morning is 1 John 2:27 where John talks about the people having an annointing from God and being bold about standing in the truth they know and acting upon it. So tonight I rest in that. Even though I wish I could do so much more and give and fix and take care of.... I know that what we are able to give and do here is exactly what God knows they need--that's why He brought us here in this foreign place and allowed us to have access to these kids and to speak freely to them about Jesus (something Paula says is unusual to say the least. But she reminds us that God can do all things, and this thing that God has allowed is definitely done so with a purpose and may produce fruit years down the road that we may never see. Amen sister!)
Thanks for all your prayers. Keep it up!
Peace in Jesus,