Wednesday, August 1, 2012


So we are back to a place where we have internet. The last three days have been an incredible journey! I will try to re-cap as best I can.
Sunday morning we were able to visit the intake hospital. This is the place where children are first taken before they are put into an orphanage. We were able to visit with the children on a playground and also hold some babies! These children are in such a fragile state because they have just been separated from their family either because the family dropped them off or they were taken from the family. One little boy that I was able to play with came up to me right away and started telling me that his mom was going to come and pick him up. This broke my heart and I actually had to turn around and wipe tears away before I could play with him. Then I was able to go and hold a baby! The little girl I got was sound asleep and I guess about 4 weeks old - she slept the entire time - about a half an hour - and I just rocked her, sang to her, touched her face with mine, and loved her. I prayed that God would watch over her all of her life and that she would know that Jesus loves her so much. It was very difficult to leave the hospital...I was heart broken for these children and took me a long time to remember that God has them. Yes it is a broken, awful world that they are in the situation they are in to begin with but God promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us. He will walk through the valleys and the fires with us. I needed to lean heavily on this as we drove away and my heart broke for these little children who have no control over their circumstances.
Pictures will be forthcoming as the internet is spotty at best and uploading is a long process!
I will post more later about our time at the orphanage. I loved our devotion tonight which ended with 1 Corinthians 13:1-12. Most of us know this verse from weddings but we are applying it to the love we lavious on these children and the hope that we will light a tiny spark within them for the love of Christ!

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